North Central London Training Hub homepage

What we do

Training Hubs receive core funding from Health Education England, but we also have extra commissions from NHS England & Improvement and Local Authorities. 

The NCL Training Hub has developed innovative educational and workforce initiatives for primary, community and social care. During 2021-22, these innovative models were shortlisted and won national awards, including those from HSJ and Nursing Times. 

We work closely with colleagues from Training Hubs in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to ensure that the training needs of the primary care workforce across all five boroughs are met.

Who we work with: 

We work with stakeholders throughout the North Central London Integrated Care System (ICS):

  • North Central London Integrated Care Board 

  • Health Education England 

  • Local Higher Education Institutions 

  • Primary Care Networks 

  • Local Optical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Committees 

  • Proud to Care North London 

  • Local Care Homes 

  • Colleagues in Secondary Care Trusts 

  • Local boroughs 

  • A variety of community and voluntary services

By having such close working relationships with these stakeholders, we are able to identify where the training needs are and develop projects and schemes to support these needs. 

Our Vision

We help enable NCL’s delivery of high quality health and care for our communities by supporting learning environments and educators to train and develop a health and care workforce that is diverse, inclusive and empowered to reach its full potential.

The ways we support the primary care workforce in in North Central London
  • Recruitment and Retention of staff: we have developed schemes that are helping with the retention of staff within NCL. These include the development of fellowship programmes for new and mid-career GPs and nurses, peer networks, mentoring and coaching and return to work programmes. 

  • Supporting the development of Assisted Role Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) Roles in practices: we are assisting with recruiting and supporting new roles in general practice such as First Contact Physiotherapists, Physician Associates and Social Prescribers.  Many of these roles fall under the Assisted Roles Reimbursement Scheme which is supporting practices.  The aim of the scheme is to support the recruitment of 26,000 additional staff into general practice. 

  • Approved Learning Environments: Training Hubs are now responsible for approval of new GP training sites and GP trainers in primary care to ensure learners are in an environment that delivers safe, effective and compassionate care. Training Hubs are supported by the GP quality team and local primary care schools in the assessment and standardisation of educator environments for learners.

  • Health and Wellbeing of staff: we have developed a selection of resources for all local primary care settings to promote the wellbeing of staff and encourage a positive health and wellbeing culture in the workplace. As well as this we organised the ‘Valued’ Awards ceremony to recognise Primary Care teams within NCL, who put employee wellbeing at the heart of service delivery. 

  • Continued Professional Development (CPD): we are developing an extensive programme of training to support staff with their CPD needs. 

  • Widening Participation: as part of the Anchor Networks initiative we are working with local organisations and institutions, including schools and colleges to increase awareness and access to roles within primary care.

  • Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES): we are working with Health Education England to ensure we have a diverse and inclusive workforce. The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) aims to provide measurable and meaningful indicators of equality performance within an NHS organisation, from which they can develop and improve. 

Our Mission

Support recruitment through our work of building, delivering, and assuring educational and learning resources with:  

  • Workforce planning through supporting our primary and social care partners to be attractive, responsive and inclusive employers  

  • New pathways into employment for people from our most disadvantaged communities  

  • System-wide and tailored induction and training resources  

  • Attracting more people into primary care by engaging with communities  


Improve staff retention through supporting our primary and community care partners to be excellent employers through:  

  • Career development opportunities  

  • Professional learning and support networks  

  • Accessible & inclusive resources  


Deliver workforce transformation by:  

  • Developing and delivering training for new roles and ways of working within Primary Care  

  • Promoting innovative ideas and developing new approaches to support our workforce  

  • Organisational development support for workforce planning and redesign  

Our Values
  • Partnership: with a distributive leadership model that recognises the importance of system, place and neighbourhood, operating across professional teams 

  • Excellence: with cost-effective and evidence-based interventions that respond to existing needs and anticipate and develop services to meet emerging needs 

  • Responsibility: with interventions that reflect the economic and social needs of our communities and our core responsibility to reduce health inequalities & improve health outcomes  

  • Inclusivity: with an approach which recognises and celebrates difference, provides space for all to fully participate and realise their full potential and is resolutely anti-racist