North Central London Training Hub homepage


22nd December 2022

Event replay: NCL TH Strep A Webinar – For Practice Managers and reception staff

This NCL webinar on Group A Strep guided staff through conversations and text messaging to support safety netting and symptom management using the triage Florey app. Click here to view the slides and recording.

20th December 2022

Blue Light Card

The Blue Light Card will give you access to 1,000s of deals. Payment of £4.99 gives individuals access to the deals for two years. Those eligible include, NHS staff, NHS dental teams, pharmacy, social care teams & more (specific groups can be found through the site).

20th December 2022

Money Saving Expert - Discounts and offers for NHS staff

Many companies offer special discounts for NHS staff and healthcare workers. This guide by MSE lists the top deals available and how to get them.

20th December 2022

NSHE – Support via MoneyHelper Service

NSHE have been working with the Money Helper Service to provide you with free, independent support. Based on calls to their support lines, they have picked out some of the top tools and resources to help you.

20th December 2022

Royal Medical Benevolent Fund – Financial help for Doctors and their families

You must be GMC registered, have little in the way of income and savings and be unable to support yourself financially due to illness, disability, bereavement or because you are over state retirement age; or because your ability to work has been affected by Covid-19.

20th December 2022


There are many grants that provide financial support to people who need it. Use the Turn2us search tool to search for grants according to your role and specific circumstances.

20th December 2022

5 Steps to mental wellbeing

NHS UK Mental Health self-help guides,tools and-activities

20th December 2022

Charity for all Dentists – providing financial support for dentists

This resource is available to those who are, or were: a dentist registered with the General Dental Council (GDC), a student at UK dental school, the dependent of a dentist i.e. partner/spouse/ widow

20th December 2022

NHSE - Supporting staff to help money go further

This page provides a range of widely-available financial wellbeing support and ideas to help any member of health and care staff make their money go further. Includes support offers for utilities, groceries, childcare, transport and general discounts.

20th December 2022

The Healthcare Workers’ Foundation – Up to £1000 support grant those in financial hardship

The Healthcare Workers’ Foundation provides grants of up to £1,000 to those who are working in healthcare settings and experiencing financial hardship. Please visit the HWF website for more information and ways to apply.

19th December 2022

Cost of living crisis: How to look after your mental health

Open to anyone living in London. Good Thinking supports Londoners to look after their mental health and wellbeing in a way that works for them.

13th December 2022

Women Leading in Health Podcast

Dr Linda Edwards, explores the skills and mind-set required to lead in the world of health and medicine. Through conversations with women from a range of leadership roles, Linda discusses career pathways, leadership style, defining career moments and maintaining a balance in and outside of careers.
