Getting the most out of the fit note: guidance for healthcare professionals
This guidance is to help Healthcare professionals to make the best use of the fit note to support the health and wellbeing of patients.
Report: Doctor's orders: adherence and improving health outcomes across the lifecourse
We could see a considerable improvement in health outcomes by helping people adhere to existing treatment regimens that have already been researched, tested and prescribed for them.
Report: Levers for change in primary care: a review of the literature
This review considers the available literature on the processes and levers used in programmes of change, improvement, innovation and transformation in primary care, with a particular focus on general practice
GP Patient Survey: National Report 2022
The GP Patient Survey (GPPS) is an England-wide survey of patients aged 16+. It provides GP practice-level data about patients’ experiences of general practice. This report sets out the national headline and summary findings for the 2022 GPPS.
Integrated care systems - The Health Foundation
Integrated care systems: what do they look like?
What are Integrated Care Systems - NHS Confederation
What are Integrated Care Systems?
NHS Long Term Plan
The NHS Long Term Plan was developed in partnership with those who know the NHS best – frontline health and care staff, patients and their families and other experts.
Primary Care UK Podcast
This Podcast is brought to you by the North East London Training Hubs. The host and technical editor is Munir Adam