North Central London Training Hub homepage

Are you interested in supervising and supporting nursing and other health care professional colleagues in Primary Care? Then you are in the right place! NHS England (NHSE) Workforce Training and Education (WTE) requires all clinicians who support learners on accredited training pathways to be an approved educator.

There are three steps to become an Approved Educator in NCL: 

  1. Register your interest – this can be done by submitting an expression of interest here [link to]

  2. Completing supervisor training – see below

  3. Completing an NCL Educator assessment

Supervisor training

In order to become an approved educator in NCL, nurses are required to complete the following courses that will qualify you to supervise and support primary care colleagues and further your professional development and leadership skills:

1.        SSSA (Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment)

2.        Multi-Professional Supervisor Course

Any educator that completed a recognised NHS England WT&E supervisor training course before 31 March 2023, or has a PG Certificate in Medical Education, may not be required to complete additional training. In this instance you may be asked to provide further information to NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team to evidence how you have maintained your educational practice following the completion of your training when you submit your application for educator approval.

Please see the course information below for more details.   

SSSA (Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment)

NWL/NCL Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment Training (SSSA Foundation)

This 2-day course is tailored for General Practice Nurses (GPNs) who have yet to complete mentorship qualifications and are interested in supporting learners in practice. The training, aligned with the 2019 NMC Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment, focuses on the fundamentals of teaching, assessing learning needs, providing feedback, and coaching skills. Attendance on both days is mandatory, with participation actively tracked. This course will prepare attendees to take on roles as Practice Supervisors and Assessors, equipping them with the necessary skills to support and evaluate student learning in practice. 

Dates and Times: 

*Further cohort dates pending

Audience:  General Practice Nurses 

To book:

For more information please contact: 

NWL/NCL Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment Training Update Session (SSSA Update)

This comprehensive update session is designed for those who have completed the initial SSSA course and are prepared for an advanced refresher. It will reinforce essential knowledge, skills, and behaviours necessary for supporting learners on their journey to becoming outstanding nurses and midwives. Key topics include enhancing interpersonal skills, creating engaging learning environments, and managing learner performance effectively. The update will cover a refresher on SSSA standards, effective communication techniques, and performance management strategies. It is best practice to have an annual Practice Assessor or Practice Supervisor update.

Dates and Times:

*Further dates pending

To book: 

For more information please contact: 

Middlesex University SSSA Training Programme

  • Details TBC

Multi-Professional Supervisor Course

NHS England’s Multi-Professional Supervisor Course is for all non-GP roles in primary care.

Course Overview

The course consists of four in-person study days held over a three-month period:  

  • Day 1: Course introduction, preparing to teach and facilitate in the workplace.  

  • Day 2: Understanding and navigating the challenges to supervision; core concepts in lesson planning and teaching. 

  • Day 3: Interprofessional education and assessment.  

  • Day 4: Peer review, portfolio review and discussion, next steps for approval.

Who is this course for? 

The Multi-Professional Supervisor Course for any role in general practice who is not a GP but supports the educational supervision of other clinicians in their practice.  Participants must meet the following entry requirements for admission on to the course: 

  • Not a be GP 

  • Work in an approved learning environment

  • Be 2 years post-CCT or equivalent with relevant mentor, supervision and education experience related to their clinical speciality. 

  • Is engaged with the borough Training Hub’s Multi-Professional Faculty Group (MPEG). 

  • Will attend all four, in-person workshops of the course and will complete any pre-reading or summative work as part of the course. 


Nurse colleagues who are interested in enrolling for this course must have completed the SSSA (see above).

How to register 

You can register for the Multi-Professional Supervisor Course by completing the NCL Expression of Interest (EOI) form below. Once you have completed the EOI form, you will be added to the NCL waiting list.

Further Information

For more information on these courses, please view the NCL Training Hub Approved Learning Environments webpage here.

The NCL TH Faculty & Quality team can also provide support and can be contacted at

Completing an NCL Educator assessment  

Once you have completed your training course, the NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team will send you an application form and instructions in preparation for your NCL assessment.