NCL Practice Manager's Conference 2022
The North Central Training Hub (NCL) held its first NCL Practice Managers’ Conference on 18th October 2022!
All Practice Managers from the NCL area were invited to attend an in-person session at Lift Youth Hub Centre located in Islington, London. Over 30 Practice Managers across the five boroughs attended the conference!
The purpose of the conference was to network and help support the development of a training programme in relation to the People Plan and Green Agenda. The People Plan aims to promote staff health and well-being within the workplace by ensuring annual leave is taken, improving diversity, reviewing organisational boundaries, and much more! The Green Agenda aims to support GP Practices across NCL to implement green initiatives within their workplaces and reduce their overall carbon footprint.
Prior to the conference a survey was developed by four interim Practice Managers employed by the NCL Training Hub to gain a better understanding of the current landscape within primary care in relation to the People Plan and Green Agenda.
The survey was emailed to Practice Managers directly and promoted at various forums and meetings. The survey was undertaken by Practice Managers across NCL and received 35 responses in total:
Please find a summary of the presentations shared at the PM Conference.
People Plan Survey Results – Presented by Donna Joseph, Keats Group Practice, North Camden PCN.
Well-Being Presentation by Neslisan Yilmaz, Health & Well-being Lead at the NCL Training Hub.
Green Agenda Presentation by Dr. Tamsin Ellis, Co-Chair of the National Greener Practice Group and Samantha Hubbard, Practice Manager at The Village Practice.
Green Agenda Survey Results by Carol Sheils, Ridgmount Practice, Central Camden PCN and Wajahat Khattak, Temple Fortune Medical Group, Barnet 6 PCN.
Practice Managers shared their feedback and views via breakout group sessions, Q&A periods, and Mentimeter polls. The conference was considered a momentous event and generated much ‘buzz’ amongst those who attended. Following from the conference, the NCL Training Hub will be requesting nominations for Practice Manger Leads across each borough to continue this important agenda! More information in relation to the nominations will follow in due course.
We thank all Practice Managers for their support with completing the survey and attending the conference. Please find additional resources on Personalisation and Library Services within NCL!
Should you have any questions or queries in regards to the event or the nomination process, please contact:
Kerree Ahern, Programme Manager at the Enfield Training Hub at or
Carolyn Matthews, Training Hub and Workforce Development Lead at