Beyond Google: Dealing with Change and What you Cannot Control
They say change is the only constant in life, and this is only too apparent in the UK’s NHS and social care systems. A quick Google search can bring up thousands of ideas about how to deal with change – so, why can it be so difficult to cope?
Children and Young People: Tier 2/3 Asthma Training - March 2025
Tier 2 and 3 asthma training: Supporting use of prescribed care and Diagnosing asthma, reviewing asthma, stepping treatment up and down, managing acute asthma attack and post attack review.
Creating Positive Cultures in a Clinical Setting: Psychological Safety - Enfield
Following success of the first workshop in November, registration is now open for the second in-person workshop as part of the NCL Supervision Support Programme.
Return to Work Training for Doctors – Personal Skills and Wellbeing Workshop (2)
This workshop is for doctors currently out of practice who are planning to return to work. In collaboration with NHS England, Maudsley Learning has developed this workshop to support NHS England’s existing resources for returners.
Creating Positive Cultures in a Clinical Setting: psychological safety Workshop - Islington
Following success of the first workshop in November, registration is now open for the second in-person workshop as part of the NCL Supervision Support Programme.
Cancer Community of Practice: spring face to face event
The Cancer Community of practice aims to bring together Nurses and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and support staff across the system in order to explore opportunities for integration to improve patient experience and outcomes.
Sexual Health Training - Day 2
This free Sexual Health in Practice (SHIP) training is interactive, practical & peer-led training in sexual health, appropriate for all GPs, practice nurses, physician and nurse associates; not just for those with a particular interest.
CPD: Venepuncture & Cannulation
Phlebotomy course for Nurses,Nursing Associates, AHPs and HCA's working in primary care settings in North Central London
PCARP Webinar: Accurx - March
Accurx is a user-friendly platform that can be used to optimise your workflows, support better patient access, and for patients and healthcare professionals to communicate easily.
NCL Integrated Schwartz Rounds - March 2025
Schwartz Rounds are a multidisciplinary forum designed for staff to come together once a month to discuss and reflect on the emotional and social challenges associated with working in health and social care.
Guys' and St Thomas' Patient Safety Fellowship (2)
Would you like to learn more about how we improve patient safety? This Fellowship programme aims to promote medical/management trainee involvement learning and reflection from incidents, raising awareness and promoting a ‘no blame’ safety culture.
CPD: SRH Essentials for Primary Care
An opportunity to acquire a comprehensive background on Contraception, Emergency Contraception, STIs and Sexual History Taking for Nurses, Nursing Associates and AHPs working in primary care settings in North Central London