New Opportunity - PG Cert in Healthcare Practice and Clinical Education for GPNs
There are 2 opportunities to study to a Postgraduate Diploma level for nurses in Primary Care, starting in September 2023. The first offer is in Education and the second is in Health Care Practice. Application deadline: 30th June.
Physician Associate Annual Workforce Survey
Physician Associates and those responsible for Physician Associates/workforce planning in a practice or PCN context are asked to complete a survey for NHSE, which will enable them to support trusts with the planning and expansion of their Physician Associate workforce.
NCL Medical Education fellowships 2023
The GP Federations of North Central London (NCL) and NCL Training Hub are delighted to announce a cohort of innovative salaried posts across the boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington. Click here to find out more about the offer.
FAO: Pharmacy Workforce - Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Survey
The Pharmacy London, NHS England Workforce Training and Education team, are conducting a survey to capture the current EDI initiatives and practices implemented by the Pharmacy workforce in London. The closing date is on Tuesday, 20th June 2023.
Join the NCL Health & Wellbeing Champion Network!
We are currently looking for individuals from across primary care teams to join the NCL Health & Wellbeing Champion Network. Click here to find out more!
New opportunity: Post Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Practice opportunities for Newly Qualified GPs
The NCL Training Hub is delighted to announce a further cohort of Post Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Practice opportunities for newly qualified GPs, for the academic year 23/24. Click here to find out more!
Submit EOIs: NCL PA Mentorship Training Programme
The NCL Training Hub is looking to recruit experienced PAs working in NCL who are interested to expand their portfolios in leadership, mentorship and coaching.
NCL teams win Burdett Award!
Last Thursday was a big night for NCL, with our Nurse Education Team winning yet another award for their excellent work, this time with the ‘Digital Health’ Burdett Award 2023 and the Enfield Integrated Learning Disability Nurses, BEH Mental Health NHS Trust, who were awarded with the 'Learning Disability Nursing' Burdett award.
Nominate your colleagues - NCL Valued Awards 2023!
We are delighted to announce that the NCL Valued Awards are back for 2023! Following the success of last year's event, all Primary Care staff across North Central London are invited to nominate teams and organisations who have made a real difference to their staff and primary care in general. Nominations closing date: 7th July 2023.
Trainee Nursing Associate Programme: Apply Now
Are you looking to start your journey into nursing. Applications for the TNA programme are now open!
NCL Training Needs Analysis Survey - Deadline Extended!
North Central London Training Hub is undertaking a training needs analysis for all all GPNs, paramedics and physiotherapists working in primary care in NCL. Please complete this survey to assist us in successfully mapping out what training is in demand. Closing date: Wednesday 31 May.
Join NCL Connect - the Flexible Staff Pool for Primary Care in North Central London
NCL Connect - the Flexible Staff Pool for Primary Care in North Central London is designed to make connecting clinicians to healthcare providers a seamless experience and is now accepting registrations from Locum GPs and Nurses.