LTC Update Webinar: Children's Asthma
This one hour training session on 21 February 2024 was aimed at NCL primary care professionals working with children and young people with asthma.
This session covered:
Asthma diagnosis in children
Updates on asthma guidelines
The asthma annual review
The post attack review
Green prescribing and the suitability of different inhalers at different ages
Chaima Hale, CYP Clinical Lead for Camden, NCL ICB
John Moreiras, Consultant Paediatrician, Whittington Health
Jo Yong, Barnet Clinical Lead Startwell (CYP), NLC ICB
Miriam Formica, Lead Respiratory Pharmacist, Whittington Health
Dr Beth Freedman (chair) and Lisa Smith, joint LTC LCS Clinical Leads for Education, NCL Training Hub