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Systems Change Champions Training - Part Two

As part of “Pillar 4 - Transforming the system in tackling mental health inequalities” of the Young Black Men’s Mental Health Programme, we are recruiting 50 system change champions across the organisation to embed anti-racist practice and cultural competency across the council workforce and its partners. This is the final planned training opportunity as part of this programme.

Champions will be supported to make meaningful, tangible change in their organisations by 2 training days sessions which will model delivery and provide tools and resources to help develop a self-sustaining local programme. This will be followed by a cycle of Action Learning Sets to provide a safe space for continued learning, reflection, and development.

The expectation will be to attend two full day trainings, on the 27th November 2024 (part one) and 14th January 2025 (part two), followed by 4 Action Learning Sets which will be around 2 hours long. The first Action Learning Set will be facilitated by the Staff College on 12th February 2025, who deliver the training, and the subsequent three will be peer-led and take place in March, April and May, dates TBC (but will avoid school holidays).

Please ensure you sign up to both days. Places are limited to 30 so please ensure you can commit to the expectations and do get in touch with the team for more information - please also cascade to others you think would make good system champions.