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GP Referral Programme: The Mr Motivator Club

Healthcare professionals can now refer patients with a chronic condition, to the Mr Motivator Club, if they are not meeting the WHO weekly physical activity recommendations. Those are:

·       At least 150 minutes moderate intensity aerobic activity per week OR

·       At least 75 minutes vigorous intensity aerobic activity per week

The ‘Mr Motivator Club' has live Zoom classes with standing and sitting options three times a week, and a library of pre-recorded classes. 

Patients can access the club for 12 weeks for free by participating in a study with University College London, looking at the outcomes of patients referred. Patients not wanting to participate in the study can still access the site for £1.99 per month (usual price is £6.99 per month). 

Healthcare professionals can share the below survey link with patients who wish to participate in UCL’s study, granting access to the club for 12 weeks for free!  

Please see the attached flyer for more information, including a more detailed breakdown of the referral process for healthcare professionals. 

For any queries, please contact  

Survey link: