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NCL Aspiring Leaders of Education Fellowship applications open!

Applications are welcomed from Registered Nurses, Midwives, AHPs, HCAS and Pharmacists for the NCL Aspiring Leaders of Education Fellowship. The aim of this programme is to enable multi-professional educators at Bands 7 and 8a to further develop their careers and thus provide a talent pipeline for future senior lead educators in NCL. The Programme should enable participants to: 

  • Explore and understand the role of senior educators as system leaders and change agents, and build their own capabilities to be effective system leaders 

  • Build a deeper understanding of the local education, health and care system 

  • Engage in the wider educational agenda (over and above their own area of expertise) 

  • Develop a professional network of educators in the geography to encourage continuing collaboration, offer support and challenge, build resilience individually and collectively 

Please note –  expression of interest forms should be sent to by 27 January.

Programme schedule:



Workshop 1 face to face

Tuesday 28th March 2023 9:30-430pm

Morning: online workshop 2

Tuesday 9th May 2023 9:30-1pm

Morning: Online support and challenge group

Wednesday 14th June 2023 9:30-1pm

Morning: online workshop 3

Tuesday 4th July 2023 9:30-1pm

Morning: Online support and challenge group

Thursday 14th September 2023 9:30-1pm

Workshop 4 face to face celebration

Wednesday 8th November 2023 9:30-4:30pm

Please see the attached EOI form to apply/for further details on the programme design.