NCL TH: Trainee Nursing Associate Q&A session for employers
Calling Health care providers and Managers in North Central London, who are in the process of workforce planning, join NCL Training Hub for a Q&A session on Trainee Nurse Associates (TNAs).
Join our Q and A session to find out:
What is a TNA?
Benefits of having a TNA in my organisation?
What do I have to do?
How long is the course?
What support is available to the TNA and your organisation?
Can I have a short-term TNA in my organisation on placement before I commit?
What are the entry requirements?
When is the next intake?
What are the deadlines?
Please email to sign up for a Q&A session
Q&A sessions take place monthly at 12pm-12:45pm, planned 2022- early '23 dates are:
Monday 28th November 2022
Tuesday 13th December 2022
Monday 16th January 2023
Thursday 16th February 2023
Download the attached flyer for more information on upcoming dates across 2022-23.