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Pharmacist Training Opportunity: Independent prescribing transformation pathway

North Central London (NCL) Integrating pharmacy and medicines optimisation (IPMO) workforce team is offering an innovative training pathway funded by NHSE. It is a unique and complementary learning experience for pharmacists currently working across any healthcare sector within NCL who are enrolled on or planning to complete their Independent Prescribing (IP) qualification.

This is an exciting opportunity for pharmacists to enhance their knowledge and skills which will complement their prescribing course requirements. 

Who is eligible?

  • Any qualified pharmacist who predominantly works within North Central London in any healthcare

  • You must be enrolled onto an independent prescribing course from January/February 2024 onwards.

  • You must already have a DPP in place.

How do I apply?

Please see the brief application form attached for more information and how to apply. 

When is the application deadline?

There are only 10 spaces available across North Central London therefore the pathway is of high demand and the deadline to apply is 1st December 2023. 

Who should I contact I have any questions?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: