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Physician Associate Preceptorship Programme - Express Your Interest

NCL Training Hub are pleased to announce the Physician Associate Preceptorship Programme for North Central London, in line with the NHS England guidance.  

This programme aims to support newly qualified PAs (qualified from April 2024 - March 2025) in transitioning into clinical practice through structured mentorship and funded programme.  
Key Details: 

  • A total of 11 funded preceptorship places are available across NCL. 

  • Funding and mentor allocation will be informed by the expressions of interest we receive. 

Following the review of EOIs, we will contact successful applicants to confirm funding allocation and mentoring support. Due to funding for up to 11 places, we understand that not all applications will be successful and we will be working with NHS England to support other PA preceptees.

Deadline for Submission: please complete the survey no later than 31st January 2025.

For further information please email: