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Recruitment for SGUL Physician Associate student GP placements (2023-25 cohort)

St George’s, University of London have recently launched the recruitment process for the 2023-25 cohort of students. More information regarding recruitment can be found here on the supervisor website, along with GP placement objectives and additional guidance on clinical placements for PA students: SGUL PA Placements - GP Recruitment (  

PCN and Training Hub colleagues are requested to forward this information to any sites in your area who you think may be interested in offering GP placements for PA students. 

What is the ask?

Practices commit to accommodating the student/s for both years of the programme according to the following schedule: 

  1. Year 1: A recommended minimum of 6 clinical hours each Wednesday during term time (18 October 2023 to 3 July 2024) 

  2. Year 2: Full time (Mon-Fri, 9-5) for a 9-week GP block (normally scheduled between February and June 2025) 

The expected remuneration for GP placements is: £3189 per student (year 1) and £4559 per student (year 2), however this tariff is subject to change by NHS England (formally Health Education England). The year 1 payments are made at the end of each term (£1063 per term) and at the end of the academic year in August for year 2 placements. 

The student/s should be attached to a designated GP Supervisor and ideally this would be the same individual for both years. 

If you would like to accommodate a student/s, please confirm the following in your response: 

  1. The number of students you can accommodate (normally 1 or 2) 

  1. The name of your practice 

  1. Details of the designated GP supervisor including name and email address 

  1. Details of the Practice Manager (if not already known to us) including name and email address

If there are any changes to the above commitment, practices are requested to notify the university at least 4 weeks prior to the start of placements on 18 October (or before) so that an alternative placement can be secured for the student/s affected. 

The aim is to finalise student allocations in mid-September 2023 once incoming student numbers are confirmed, at which point the placement team will be in touch with more information.

Placements for year 2 students:

St George’s, University of London are also looking to recruit a small number of practices to support year 2 students on 9-week, full-time placements.

A virtual GP Supervisor Training event will be held online on Tuesday 26 September, 18.00-19.30. Further information will be circulated later in the year once practices confirm interest. This event is a good opportunity to meet the clinical placement team, find out more about how to successfully support students in GP and network with other GP supervisors.  

For more information and/or to confirm availability, please contact: 

Mrs. Kay Ling (Clinical Placement Administrator) – 

Tripti Chakraborty (Clinical Placement Lead) –