Register your interest: NCL GP Assistant Programme
The recent bid for the five London ICS Training Hubs to run the General Practice Assistant (GPA) programme was successful. 80 places have been allocated across the five ICS', with 16 available for NCL and an anticipated increase in numbers for next year.
NCL's team are currently liaising with the University of Greenwich to develop the programme for delivery as an accredited module. Subject to a decision on this, which will be confirmed in late August, the first cohort will be set to commence in October 2023, with following cohorts in December, February and April 2024.
Eligibility criteria:
Completion of care certificate (or capacity to complete during programme) Understanding of the role.
Able to commit to the required learning within their contracted hours.
Have a named GP supervisor.
Have support from their employer
Normally have completed level 2 functional skills in English and Maths OR able to demonstrate readiness for study at level 4 through a written exercise
Please see the attached flyer to find out more about the London-wide GP Assistant programme.