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Submit an EOI for the next London Multi-Professional Supervisor Course

The Multi-Professional Supervisor Course is for all non-GP roles in primary care, and any clinician who supports learners as an educational supervisor is required to do this course prior to being approved as an NCL Approved Educator. Expressions of interest are now open for the next cohort.

Participants must meet the following entry requirements for admission: 

  • Not a be GP 

  • Work in an approved learning environment/in an environment that is seeking approval 

  • Be 2 years post-CCT or equivalent with relevant mentor, supervision and education experience related to their clinical speciality. 

  • Is engaged with the borough Training Hub’s Multi-Professional Faculty Group (MPEG). 

  • Will attend all four, in-person workshops of the course and will complete any pre-reading or summative work as part of the course. 

Dates for this cohort are below and all dates are in-person. It is a requirement that participants attend all four dates to successfully complete the course. 

  • Day One: Tuesday 16 April 2024 

  • Day Two: Wednesday 15 May 2024 

  • Day Three: Thursday 13 June 2024 

  • Day Four: Tuesday 02 July 2024 

Those who are admitted on the next course will be contacted and asked to confirm their place on the course. This will require participant to confirm they can attend all four days. Course places are limited and applications may be prioritised according to local borough needs and educator/trainer capacities. Please see attached flyer with more information.  

Clinicians in NCL should register for the Multi-Professional Supervisor Course by completing the webform:

Any questions about the process can be sent to the NCL Quality team: