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NCL Supervision Support Programme: registration still open

NCL Training Hub has launched a new programme to help practices build and grow their supervision skills. Developed in response to a review of supervision needs, it offers practical learning and support to enhance the quality of clinical supervision in general practice. The programme’s first workshop has now taken place - 'Who, what, why and how?! Supporting and supervising different roles within multi-professional health teams' explored challenges general practice teams face when supervising different roles within a multiprofessional team. Learning resources from this session have been shared with attendees. We now are encouraging practices to cascade this learning within their teams as part of the second stage of this programme (see here for more information about the programme stages).  

How to Claim Practice Funding 

To qualify for practice funding, practices must share learning from the workshop with their practice teams using learning resources provided. The named practice named representatives should complete the claim form explaining:  

  • How the information was shared  

  • Who took part in the practice session  

  • Next steps to improve supervision approaches in the practice. 

To support this, a post webinar slide deck has been shared with practice representatives and is available to download from the TH website here. To receive funding, practices must register to join the programme (see below).  

Registration Still Open  

Practices can join the programme by completing the practice registration form. When registering, practices will be asked to assign a contact person (e.g. practice manager or someone overseeing education/supervision) to manage financial claims and report on sharing workshop learnings. If your practice attended the November 2024 workshop, you can still register and claim funding by sharing how the workshop learnings were shared with your team.   

Upcoming workshops   

Feedback & communication models to support supervision  

Date: February/March 2025 (exact date to be confirmed)   

Format: In-person workshop in each NCL borough 

This will build on insights from the November workshop to address challenges faced by supervisors and educators, including feeding back in difficult situations and understanding the team dynamics within the context of supervision. Registered practices that attend and share their learning with practice teams will be eligible to receive a further £300 in support.

To register your interest to join, please complete this form.   

Useful links