Long Term Conditions
A new Model of Care for patients with or at risk of developing Long Term Conditions.
General Practice across North Central London (NCL) is being supported to adopt a new Model of Care for managing long term conditions (LTCs) through implementation of the new NCL LTC LCS. The NCL Training Hub has been commissioned to support practices to deliver the LTC LCS.
To stay up to date with updates for LTC LCS Training and Support including planned webinars, training opportunities, and published resources, please subscribe to the Training Hub newsletter by creating an account at the top of the page. Once you have created an account you will automatically receive the NCL Training Hub newsletter.
If you have questions or require additional support, we encourage you to contact your borough Business Change Facilitator or the generic mailbox at nclicb.ltctraining@nhs.net.
To download a summary of the NCL Training Hub Support Offer for the LTC LCS which you can share with your teams, click here.