The Green Book
The government Green Book provides information for public health professionals on immunisation.
PrescQIPP aims to improve medicines-related care to patients, through the production and provision of evidence-based clinical resources.
TARGET antibiotics toolkit
The Treat Antibiotics Responsibly, Guidance, Education and Tools (TARGET) toolkit supports primary care clinicians to champion and implement antimicrobial stewardship activities.
Contraception UKMEC calculator
The Contraception UKMEC calculator is for use by clinicians to visualise and compare between the different hormonal and intrauterine contraception methods.
HIV-drug interactions checker
The HIV-drug interactions checker is an up-to-date evidence-based interaction resource available to healthcare workers, patients and researchers.
MHRA Drug Safety Alerts
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) provides the latest updates on drug safety.
Medical Calculators
The MDCALC site is a digital resource that provides quick access to clinical decision-support tools for healthcare professionals.
PCPA - Primary Care Pharmacy Association
The PCPA provides access to events, resources and more to support those in the pharmacy workforce.
NICE Guidance
The National Institute for Health and Care Guidance (NICE) provides evidence-based recommendations for the treatment and management of health conditions.
Medicine information for patients
An A to Z on medicines from the NHS website.
Prescribing data
OpenPrescribing allows health care staff to access anonymised data about the drugs prescribed by GPs, with the aim to support safer, more efficient prescribing.
NCL GP Website
The NCL GP Website provides the most up-to-date information and resources to support healthcare professionals working in primary care across NCL.