Digital and Transformation Lead
Digital and Transformation Leads are a new Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) role. The role will support increased access to care for patients, by supporting the adoption or optimisation of new technology and enable PCN staff to work more effectively to support general practice services.
The role will deliver a combination of the following responsibilities:
Improve adoption and/or optimisation of new technology to enhance patient access and experience and increase PCN productivity
Build relationships and facilitate collaboration between practices and the wider system to support the delivery of care to patients (including shared appointments between practices to aid delivery of enhanced access)
Review and improve the PCN’s digital maturity
support population health management
Support understanding of the type and intensity of support/training needs of the PCN and coordinate this support, including through OD programmes
Facilitate clinically led innovation and the effective adoption of improvement initiatives, including integrated working at neighbourhood and/or place level to improve access to services for patients
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