North Central London Training Hub homepage

CPD for GPNs, NAs, paramedics and physiotherapists

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is any learning outside of undergraduate education or postgraduate training that helps you maintain and improve your performance. It covers the development of your knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours across all areas of your professional practice. It includes both formal and informal learning activities.  

The NCL Training Hub is clear that investing in learning and development enables staff working in primary care to reach their full potential and continuously improve performance. 

What funding is available?

In 2020, NHSE set aside a three-year funding for every NHS nurse, nursing associate, midwife, and allied health professional (AHP) to access a budget of £1,000 to support their personal and professional development requirements. Additional funding has now been confirmed for 2023-2024.

View the NHS England national CPD guidance 2023/24.

The CPD funding is intended to be used as an individual development fund for frontline clinical professionals to:

  • Equip them with new clinical skills to enhance the care they provide to patients and develop their careers.

  • Support staff in moving between sectors, for example, by enabling nurses and AHPs in hospitals to move to new roles in primary care and community care, supporting improved primary care access and out of hospital care.

  • Support the maintenance of their continuing professional registration by helping them to meet requirements from their professional regulators.

Top line terms & conditions include: 

  • the funding is based on NHS Digital workforce headcount data and amounts to approx. £333 per person, regardless of their WTE (part time/full time)

  • the money cannot be used to fund backfill

  • the CPD funding cannot be spent on mandatory training

  • the annual CPD budget is distributed by NHSE and handed over to local training hubs for delivery; in NCL the coordination is done centrally by the NCL Training Hub.

The NCL Training Hub is committed to ensuring all primary care staff have equal access to learning and development opportunities. The Training Hub team tries to fund all education and training where it is clearly relevant to the individual learner’s role. If there are more funding requests than there is funding available, the team will need to implement a process of prioritisation. In that case, all those affected will be informed of the process. 

The NCL Training Hub manages the CPD funding for GPNs and AHPs working in primary care settings in NCL; the funding is released in two formats:

  • bespoke NCL courses for GPNs and AHPs - the NCL Training Hub procures and coordinates the delivery of exclusive training sessions for the North Central London GPN and AHP workforce. The programme of training is based on a regular training needs analysis and takes into account both individual and organisation-level training needs.

  • individual CPD funding - part of the CPD funding is also reserved to make allowances for individual requests for funding when the CPD training sought is not currently being offered as part of the bespoke NCL offer. To request individual CPD funding click on the tab below.

Individual CPD funding  

A portion of the CPD budget is ringfenced to fund individual training requests. Those can be submitted when individual training needs are not covered by the group training organised centrally by the NCL Training Hub.

To apply for individual CPD funding you need to: 

  • be a Nurse, Nursing Associate, or an eligible Allied Health Profession, working in a general practice in one of the five NCL boroughs: Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Islington, Haringey 

  • confirm that the funding you are applying for does not exceed the allocated £333 per person per year or £1000 per person for three years

  • have your practice manager’s approval to attend the training and be released from work for its duration

  • commit to attending the training once booked 

  • commit to completing an evaluation survey once the training has taken place

Individual CPD funding - approval process:

Once you've submitted your request, it will be reviewed by the NCL Training Hub and a relevant Nurse Lead 

  1. you will get notified by email whether your request has been approved 

  2. if your request is approved, you will need to liaise with the training provider to sign up for the course, email the invoice from the provider to the Training Hub and flag if you require a proof of payment to confirm your registration. Alternatively, you can pay for the training yourself and submit an invoice to the NCL Training Hub to reimburse you.

    Download an invoice template.

  3. invoices usually take 30 days from receipt to be paid so ensure you share the invoice with the NCL TH in advance to secure your place on the training

  4. you need to liaise with the training provider to confirm your place and get access on the day (e.g., links to join a virtual webinar)

  1. after the training, you will need to obtain a confirmation or a certificate of attendance from the training provider and share this with Barbara Bryden at  

  1. you will also be asked to complete an evaluation survey CPD training evaluation - nursing Survey ( 

If you have questions about individual CPD requests, please contact Barbara Bryden at  

Eligible professions

The NHSE/WT&E provide a list all professional groups covered by the CPD funding - NB each eligible clinician must be covered by a primary care-based contract:

  • Registered nurses

  • Midwives 

  • Art Therapists 

  • Drama therapists 

  • Music therapists 

  • Chiropodists/podiatrists 

  • Dietitians 

  • Occupational therapists 

  • Operating Department Practitioners 

  • Orthoptists 

  • Osteopaths 

  • Paramedics 

  • Physiotherapists 

  • Prosthetists and Orthotists 

  • Radiographers 

  • Speech and language therapists 

NB This funding is not available for nursing, midwifery and allied health professions in social care, local government or in other sectors outside of NHS in England (including CICs and social enterprises).

Choosing the right learning approach 

The CPD offer caters for a variety of learning styles - you can choose training that’s delivered in person or virtually, live or pre-recorded/self-paced, directed or self-directed.  

  • Self-directed CPD activities include reading, attending meetings, observing colleagues, practising clinical skills, systematic reflection on practice, peer group discussion, coaching, professional committee work, personal study and research, preparation of new/updated material for teaching, training, or publication. 

  • Directed CPD activities include online learning, professional supervision, attendance at training courses, workshops or conferences, further education to gain new qualifications. 

A quick guide from the Open University may help you to think about your learning style, so that you can adapt the way you study to make it more effective. 

NCL Learning agreement 

To benefit from the CPD budget managed by the NCL Training Hub, individual learners must comply with an NCL Learning Agreement. By accessing the CPD funding, you must confirm that: 

  1. You work as a Nurse, Nursing Associate, Physiotherapist, or a Paramedic in a general practice in one of the five NCL boroughs (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Islington, Haringey) 

  2. The training you're accessing aligns with the needs of your primary care network and is relevant to your role 

  3. You have secured approval of your practice manager to attend the training (and will be released from work for its duration) 

  4. You commit to attending the full training once booked 

You commit to completing an evaluation survey once the training has taken place.

Free Immunisation training in 2023 for staff in Camden, Haringey and Islington

Immunisation training is being provided free of charge to Doctors and Trained Nurses in Islington, Haringey, and Camden.

1. CORE TRAINING FOR Doctors and Trained Nurses ONLY

  • These courses are suitable for qualified nurses or health professionals who have not previously done equivalent two-day training

  • Prior to the training you must complete the e-learning for Health modules on Immunisation ( “Immunisation (IMM)”)

  • You will need to send in your certificates from the e-learning modules before you come for Day 2 training

  • Note for Core Training - You are expected to complete the e- learning aspect of 6 Modules and send your completion certificates before the practical session

  • This training will not cover COVID-19 in any detail

  • Travel immunisations are not covered

  • TO BOOK A PLACE/ANY QUERIES – Please email:

  • Confirmation of booking will be emailed back to you.

  • Please book in advance and non-attendance without advance notice will entail a fee charged to your budget code.


2. HALF DAY UPDATE SESSION FOR Doctors and Trained Nurses

  • This is suitable for those who have already done core training

  • The sessions will cover topical issues and any new information as well as reinforcement of some basics, such as storage of vaccines

  • The sessions will include information about ‘flu’ (it will be covered towards the beginning of the sessions)

  • District nurses can attend any session, but it would be best to choose from the sessions in September/October as ‘flu immunisation policy with be clear by then (all dates are detailed in the attached flyer below)

  • Separate sessions will be laid on for occupational health staff and Prison staff

  • These updates will not cover COVID-19 in any detail

  • Please book in advance and non-attendance without advance notice will entail a fee charged to your budget code

  • Confirmation of booking will be emailed back to you

  • TO BOOK A PLACE/ANY QUERIES – Please email:

Download the below flyer to learn more about this training offer, including details of dates, venues etc.