Widening Participation
NCL’s Widening Participation initiatives aim to offer the local population opportunities to access information about the wide range of careers within the health and social care sector.
NCL Training Hub is delivering the Primary Care Anchor Networks (PCAN) programme. This means we work with voluntary community groups and local authorities within North Central London to help encourage local residents to receive training and find jobs in the health and social care workforce.
NCL Training Hub also organises an annual careers fair for students held at Middlesex University. This is to give young people considering a career in health and social care an opportunity to talk to the people who are doing the jobs they are interested in, gain a greater understanding of what the roles involve and required qualifications.
At the 2024 NHS Health and Social Care Careers Fair on Thursday 7nd March 2024, we were joined by over 90 exhibitors from a range of professions - have a look at the highlights below!
Representatives at the 2024 careers fair talked to students about careers and opportunities in the following sectors:
Apprenticeships and T Levels
General Practice
Health Sciences
Occupational Therapy
Pharmacy (hospital, community and clinical)
Physicians Associate
Practice Management
Social Care
Social Prescribing
Social Work
Speech and Language Therapy
Working as a Geriatric Registrar
Below are some interviews that we filmed at the 2023 and 2024 careers fair with exhibitors talking about their professions:
Previous exhibitors have included:
- Angle House Orthodontics
- Anglia Ruskin University
- Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust
- British Geriatrics Society
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
- City University
- Community Matters
- Enfield Learning Disabilities Team
- Great Ormond Street Hospital
- Haringey GP Federation
- Independent Living Alternatives
- Local Optical Commitee
- London Ambulance Service
- Middlesex University
- North Middlesex Hospital
- Proud to Care North London
- Representatives from a range of Barnet GP surgeries
- Royal College of GPs
- Royal Free Hospital
- Sweet Tree Care Home
- The Princes Trust
- UCLH Medical school and School of Pharmacy
- Whittington Hospital
Below are some interviews that we filmed at the 2022 careers fair with exhibitors talking about their professions:
Interview with a GP
Interview with Royal Free London Radiographer
Interview with a Paediatric Nurse
Interview with a Physicians Associate
Interview with Social Prescriber Link Workers from Barnet
Interview with Pharmacy Technician
Interview with Director of Independent Living