QOF Workforce and Wellbeing Toolkit
This Toolkit is aimed at those working in the primary care sector who are involved in ensuring their practice meets the new QOF requirements.
The Quality and Outcomes Framework guidance released in March 2023 introduced a new quality improvement (QI) module, which focuses on workforce and wellbeing in 2023/24. It will now form part of the QOF activity across NCL. We hope that these resources will help support primary care teams complete the various stages of this module.
It is the intention that this page will be continuously updated, and we welcome your feedback on its content. If links do not work or if you are aware of resources that have not been included, please contact Neslisan.yilmaz@nhs.net
Full guidance for the QI module can be found on pg.100 - 115 of The Quality and Outcomes Framework.
Practices should undertake an assessment of the factors that currently impact on workforce wellbeing and identify areas for improvement.
QOF Workforce and Wellbeing Survey - A centralised survey to support the initial assessment stage of this module. Practices will be provided with individual analysis reports based on their results
SWOT analysis example – This example SWOT analysis provides starting points that you may consider under each heading when completing a SWOT analysis with your team
NHS H&WB diagnostic tool – This diagnostic tool provides an easy way to self-assess your organisation against each section of the NHS health and wellbeing framework, and is aligned with the NHS model describing what ‘good’ looks like
Wellbeing Conversations – Tips and templates to support wellbeing conversations across your team. Themes emerging from conversations can be embedded in your QI improvement plan
RCGP Quality Improvement Guidance - This guide sets out the skills, behaviours and actions that underpin successful QI interventions. It also offers practical tips on how to lead and manage improvement, as well as links to supportive resources
Following the diagnostic stage, practices should create an improvement plan with SMART aims. Activities could lead to improvements in the following areas:
Improving wellbeing, resilience, and risk of burnout for the GP workforce
Creating a compassionate and inclusive culture in general practice
Supporting the onboarding of new staff
Supporting the training and development of the whole team in general practice
Establishing peer support networks
Improvement plan template - Once the diagnostic phase is completed, this template may be useful to plan your QI activities (Note that this is a suggested resource and practices can choose to record their plan in other formats)
NCL QOF QI workshop – A local forum to discuss how QI methodologies can be implemented across staff health and wellbeing initiatives
NCL Training Hub Health & Wellbeing page – Encourage staff to engage with staff support programmes such as those listed on the NCL website
NCL Health and Wellbeing Champion Network - Establish a Health & Wellbeing champion / guardian that staff can access for support
NHS England » Looking after your team’s health and wellbeing guide - This guide supports any team that is seeking to improve the health and wellbeing of members of the team, through a culture change approach. It is for all teams working in health and care, inclusive of all team forms and functions, across healthcare, primary care, social care and voluntary sectors.
NHSE Flexible Working Guidance: Toolkit for individuals and line managers – These guides will help prepare staff for positive conversations to make requests about flexible working and help managers to put structures and processes in place to support and encourage flexible workplace for all
Stress risk assessment templates – HSE - Templates to support the completion of a stress risk assessment for each role as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges - Annual appraisal templates and guidance
NHSE QOF QI Workshop:
This workshop on 19 July 2023 brought colleagues together to share, learn and develop ideas and initiatives to support the ambitions set out for this QI module
Click here to view the session recording and resources (please note you will need to register for an account with NHS Futures to access this content)
A key objective of the network peer review meetings is to enable shared learning across the network.
Possible discussion points for PCN peer review meetings
How are practices working as a multidisciplinary team at network level? How can this be improved?
How are practices ensuring the whole practice team are involved?
How can clinical supervision and peer support groups be supported at a network level?
Sharing updates of work undertaken to understand workforce wellbeing.
What ideas for change are practices considering? and how does this fit in to wider PCN objectives?
Information, support and facilitation for your PCN Peer Review Meetings for this QI Module: Email neslisan.yilmaz@nhs.net
Practices must complete the QI monitoring template & self-declare that they have completed the activity described in QI plan.
Practices must complete this QI monitoring template in relation to this module and self-declare that they have completed the activity described in their QI plan
Practices must also self-declare that a minimum of two peer review meetings have been attended