North Central London Training Hub homepage

Strengthening education, supervision, and training for multidisciplinary primary care teams.

The NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality programme supports education and training for NCL primary care teams by:

  • Approving and assuring the quality of new educators and learning environments

  • Supporting the continuous professional development for educators and supervisors through NCL Education Faculty

  • Providing resources to support effective supervision of multi-disciplinary teams

  • Growing NCL Communities of Practice (COPs) to share knowledge and expertise

Explore the pages by clicking the tiles below to discover information and resources about NCL Faculty and Quality team.


Information to Become an Educator

Learn about the application process to become an approved educator in NCL, including supervisor training courses and assessments.

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Information for Approved Learning Environments

Find out about the application process for practices and PCNs to become approved learning environments and discover the benefits of gaining approval on a PCN-scale.

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Supervision Support

Explore the support and resources available for clinicians supervising multi-professional teams in primary care.

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Education Faculty

Learn how to get involved with your local Multi-Professional Educator Group to participate in educational sessions and peer-support opportunities for educators and supervisors.

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Communities of Practice and Subject Expert Groups

Bringing together expertise to inform training and education.

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This section provides resources to support educators and supervisors, including guides for the approval process and materials for professional development.

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NCL Supervision Support Programme

The NCL Training Hub has developed an exciting new programme to address key themes from the recent NCL Clinical Supervision Review. The programme aims to strengthen clinical supervision within general practice by providing educational resources and hosting interactive workshops.

Practice funding

Practices can receive up to £300 for attending NCL Education Faculty workshops. Fore more details see here.

General Medical Council National Training Survey (NTS)

The General Medical Council (GMC) conducts the National Training Survey annually to gather insights into the experiences of doctors in training across the UK. This survey is a crucial part of the GMC's efforts to monitor and report on the quality of medical education and training.

The GMC reports are produced at Primary Care Network (PCN) level, aligning with the NHS England Workforce Training and Education Approved Learning Environment and Educator process. These annual reports are publicly accessible via the GMC Education Data Reporting Tool website.

In the past, the GMC would contact any practice where trainee survey results were below expectations, working directly with the practice to develop a plan for addressing areas of concern or improvement. This process has now shifted to the PCN level. As a result, some North Central London (NCL) PCNs may be contacted if their overall scores fall below national targets. In such cases, the GMC NTS team will send the named PCN educator lead or clinical director a form to complete, outlining steps to address areas requiring improvement.

Key Points to Note

  • No Follow-up Meetings: Once the PCN submits the report to the GMC NTS team, no follow-up meetings are scheduled.

  • SMART Objectives: PCNs are encouraged to use SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to clearly demonstrate the steps taken to address any concerns or areas needing improvement.

  • Additional Information: More details about the GMC NTS survey and the education data tool can be found here.

PCNs should also copy the NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team ( when returning their report to the GMC NTS team.

For any questions regarding the GMC NTS process, please contact the NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team and copy your borough Training Hub.

Complaints and Quality Concerns

What to Do if You Have a Complaint or Quality Concern

Maintaining high-quality care and support in primary care is essential for creating safe and transformative educational environments. Training Hubs work with NHS England to ensure that quality and safety are upheld for learners in primary care settings.

For Learners

If you have a concern or complaint regarding your training pathway, please contact your local Training Hub and copy the NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team. The key contacts for borough Training Hubs are listed below.

For Educators and Learning Environments

If you are an educator or work in a learning environment and have a concern or complaint about the training and supervision of learners, please reach out to your local Training Hub. Make sure to also copy the NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team.

The NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team will work with you and the borough Training Hub throughout the review process, following the guidelines from NHS England’s Primary Care Education Quality team (part of the Quality Patient Safety and Commissioning (QPSC) team).

Changes to a Learning Environment

Educators and learning environments must inform the NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team of any changes that could affect their ability to support education, training, and placements. Examples of such changes include:

  • Changes to the CQC rating

  • Employment changes of a named educator, such as:

- Leaving or stopping work in the environment

- Adjustments to working hours or sessions

  • Any reviews related to the quality and safety of service or training delivery

  • Mergers with another practice or primary care provider

  • Any significant changes to the practice estates

Please notify your borough Training Hub and the NCL Training Hub Faculty and Quality team about these changes promptly.

For contact details, refer to the key contacts section below.

Key Contacts

The NCL Faculty and Quality team:

Barnet Training Hub:

Camden Training Hub:

Enfield Training Hub:

Haringey Training Hub:

Islington Training Hub:

NHS England Primary Care Quality & Patient Safety team:

London GP School Support team:

Stay informed on the latest news, training, and resources by reading our Education Faculty Update:

If you have any questions relating to the programme, please contact the Faculty and Quality team: